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Geography: Ecosystems at Risk: Great Barrier Reef


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To start  work on Ecosystems at Risk: Great Barrier Reef use the following databases, websites, videos and books to help guide your research task.

Ecosystems At Risk : Ecosystem case study (Great Barrier Reef)

  • Spatial patterns and dimensions: location, altitude, latitude, size, shape and continuity.
  • The nature and rate of change which affects ecosystem functioning
  •  Biophysical interactions which lead to diverse ecosystems and their functioning  
Great Barrier Reef -- World Heritage Site -- National ...

Great Barrier Reef -- World Heritage Site -- National ...

Get facts, photos, and travel tips for the Great Barrier Reef, a World Heritage site in Australia, from National Geographic.

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Books in the CBL

Take a look in the Christopher Brennan Library for books that will supplement your learning and understanding of Ecosystems at Risk :Great Barrier Reef.