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Christopher Brennan Library: Research & Study Skills

Research and Study Skills

Top 10 Study Tips

Top 10 Study Tips by Youth Central (Victorian Government's website for young people)

  1. Pick a place - Set up your study space and find your best time
  2. Study every day 
  3. Plan your time - set alarms, use wall planners, make to-do lists, set time limits
  4. Discover your learning style - auditory learners, visual learners, tactile/kinesthetic learners
  5. Review and revise - quiz, make your own study materials
  6. Take breaks 
  7. Ask for help - ask teachers and fellow students
  8. Stay motivated - stay focused on goals
  9. App it up 
  10. Look after yourself - eat well and exercise


Joining your local library and the State Library (it's free!) gives you access from home to addional resources and online databases.

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Click here to apply for a State Library NSW Library Card


The Inquiry Process



Queen's University Education Library2013 Education: Inquiry : Ontario Inquiry Model K-12Queens UniversityKingston, Ontario, Canada, accessed 10 September 2013, <>.

HSC Resources

Research Process

These websites below will guide you through some tips and ideas to guide you in the research process:

How to Research from the State Library of Victoria

Reliable research (video) from the State Library of Victoria.

Research tools - from Joyce Valenza

Academic Skills Support from UNSW

Reading Strategies, accessed 13 March 2019

Study Timetable

Elevate Education provides practical advice on putting together a realistic study timetable and strategies on how to make it work for you. A digital copy of the study timetable can be found here.

Growth Mindset

Study Tips

Study Skills Handbook

Ask you Head of House or friendly Librarian for login details to access the Study Skills Handbook.

Elevate Education

Elevate Education Ask your Head of House or friendly Librarian for a password to access further content.

You can create an account and tailor your preferences, such as selecting subject-specific content. 

HSC Study Guides

HSC Study Guides are located in the Christopher Brennan Library and are available for loan.