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History: Heroes and Villains (Elective)


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​Spartacus This brief biographical account of Spartacus is produced by BBC.

Ducksters: Biography of Spartacus This weblink is a very useful as a beginning source of information. 

History for Kids: Spartacus This weblink is also a useful source for early research with easy to follow subheadings. 

History.Net: Spartacus articles This weblink is produced by World History Group, the world's largest publisher of history magazines. Follow the links to various articles on Spartacus. 

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon: Emperor, Military Leader (1769-1821) This biographical account of Napoleon is produced by the Biography Channel. It includes an embedded mini-biography video (3:35 min). Follow the links at the bottom of the entry to more videos on Napoleon. 

History Channel: Napoleon This weblink by the History Channel covers a lot of content, including many videos. 

Napoleon Bonaparte: The Little Corporal who built an Empire This weblink by BBC presents information in the format of an interactive timeline. 

Britannica: Napoleon This weblink is the Britannica Encyclopedia entry for Napoleon. 

Ducksters: Napoleon Bonaparte This weblink provides a brief, starting point for research on Napoleon. 

Richard the Lionheart

Richard Lionheart This weblink is to The Historic Accommodation Guide UK.

Richard I (1157-1199) BBC History Historic Figures article.

Richard the Lionheart article.

Richard I This weblink is to The Ancient History Encyclopedia article.

Richard the Lionheart - Hero or Villian? This article is written by historian Jim Keys.

Richard I: The King of England Encyclopedia Britannica entry.
